The antichrist and the false prophet

The antichrist and the false prophet
By: R. Monroy

n the twenty-first century, we should not be surprised to see the number of false teachers and false prophets proliferating on social media. Just a quick search will reveal hundreds of channels and websites offering all kinds of gospels. Leaders, to varying degrees, provide explanations for basic concepts of the Scriptures and even delve into the deepest prophecies. Some offer educated opinions based on scholastic knowledge, while others present the most outlandish explanations, based on dreams and personal revelations.

In the Gospel of Matthew 24:4-5, it says: “Jesus answered: ‘Watch out that no one deceives you. For many will come in my name, claiming, “I am the Messiah,” and will deceive many.'” When Jesus says that many will come claiming, “I am the Messiah,” some believe this means they will literally say that. However, the reality is very different. It would be naïve to think that someone could convincingly claim to be Jesus Himself. So, what does this mean?

The word Messiah means “the anointed one.” Anointed is a term widely used in our days. There are figures in the religious realm who self-proclaim as “God’s anointed ones.” These types of false prophets and apostles boast about having the largest congregations, possessing the gift of healing, or claiming the gift of prophecy. They deceive many by asserting that God speaks to them directly, and sadly, a vast number of people believe them. These are the false Messiahs Jesus referred to.

Falling into lies and deception can have grave consequences, no matter the nature of the lies. When you are deceived, you act based on that deception. For example, if a scammer convinces you to buy a so-called gold bar inherited from their grandfather at a fraction of its supposed value, you have fallen into one of the most common and crude scams in the world.

Another example is receiving an email from the widow of a millionaire offering you money in exchange for your bank account details for a deposit. These are all scams. They ask for money in return for promises and dreams of instant wealth. Regardless of whether they take a dollar, ten, a hundred, or even thousands from you, the result is always the same: you will end up, first, feeling embarrassed and, second, if you’re lucky, only a few dollars poorer.

Applying the same principle, let’s see what happens with biblical matters. There are thousands of teachings being perpetuated by tradition or custom. Depending on the branch of Christianity you belong to, the doctrines taught to you will vary. Without delving too deeply into one of the favorite topics of Christians—the rapture (by the way, if you want to know more about this topic, we have a study on it titled The Rapture or the Church’s Catching Away)—some believe they will be raptured at any moment. This belief can make them neglect related topics, such as the Great Tribulation. Many take for granted that they will be taken to be with the Lord and live in heaven for all eternity.

If you believe the rapture will happen at any moment, no one can even suggest that we might go through the Great Tribulation without you becoming upset or even wanting to end the conversation, because you are convinced that you will be raptured. Therefore, it doesn’t matter what others say; you won’t listen, let alone believe them.

Others believe that salvation is something that cannot be lost, no matter what you do; you will always be saved, even if you continue sinning against God. But most Christians think the Antichrist and the False Prophet will act ruthlessly against all Christians, simply for being Christians. Many imagine the Antichrist prohibiting the reading of the Bible or, worse, banning worship of the true God, as happened two thousand years ago when the Roman Empire persecuted Christians and forbade them from worshiping and preaching about the true God.

If you want to know what motivated the persecution of Christians, don’t miss our study titled The Persecution of Christians.

These teachings are prevalent in certain branches of Christianity, especially among groups that emphasize biblical prophecy and end-time events. The most commonly cited passages supporting these beliefs are found in the book of Revelation, such as Revelation 13, which speaks about the beast, and 2 Thessalonians 2:3-4, where it describes how the man of lawlessness will oppose everything called God and exalt himself over all that is worshiped, establishing a worship system that blatantly seeks to turn people away from the true God.

All these teachings can cause justified fear in any devout Christian. So, if you are convinced and persuaded that these doctrines are true, it is because your mind has been implanted with a thought that moves you to take action. Thoughts can lead you to make decisions that may affect you for better or worse. If you have received and believed a false doctrine, you will walk according to that deception and, therefore, in sin. Remember one thing! If you were deceived, you have also sinned against God, just like Eve. On the other hand, if you listen to and accept true doctrine, you will walk in the truth, and God will be able to reveal even more to you.

In a famous fictional novel and worldwide bestseller called Left Behind by Tim LaHaye and Jerry B. Jenkins, the authors describe supposed events following the rapture of the church and present one of the most ruthless characters in world history: the Antichrist. This figure is perhaps the most feared by Christians, even though he has not yet appeared on the public stage. It is said that his evil and power will make him the most fearsome tyrant of all time. (And he will be! But not in the way many thinks.)

According to Tim LaHaye, these fictional novels are a representation closely aligned with biblical prophecy. However, they depict events that lack any biblical backing and include characters like the so-called Antichrist, who is supposed to take global control when he is crowned as the president or king of the world. This is not a study refuting Tim LaHaye’s novel or the claims made in them; rather, I bring them up as a classic example of lies that become truths and, in some cases, even dogmas of faith for millions of Christians.

This fictional novel by these authors is taken as biblical truth, even though the pre-tribulation rapture is a doctrine without biblical foundation. Nevertheless, it is the central theme of the novel. Many biblical scholars consider this work a faithful representation of events that, obviously, are fulfilled only in the minds of those who deem them real.

Now then, what’s wrong with believing in this type of novel? Aren’t they based on the Bible? Aren’t they the same teachings passed down by the apostles? Absolutely not! A better question might be: Why is it important to know the doctrines taught by Jesus and His apostles? The answer is obvious: It is extremely important! Our eternal life depends on it. Our eternity does not depend on our beliefs or what we learned in Bible school or seminary. It doesn’t matter if you believe you’ll be raptured before the tribulation or after it. What matters is what the Scripture says.

I know that all modern Bible teachers, pastors, and prophets claim their teachings are based on the Bible! The same was said by Satan when he quoted Scripture to try to convince Jesus to jump from the pinnacle of the temple. He used Scripture to try to deceive Jesus, and the same is done by many false Messiahs. They use Scripture to their own destruction, as Peter says in his second epistle, 2 Peter 3:15-16.

Let us use an example to emphasize the importance of knowing Christ’s doctrines and why we should not pay attention to fables and tales of false apostles.

Imagine a pharmaceutical company that has been producing medicine to treat a chronic illness for many years. They follow the formula to the letter, maintaining all necessary hygiene measures to protect the quality of the product, ensuring that the people taking the medicine receive a product that helps them stay healthy. Then a new manager arrives and decides that the formula isn’t good enough, so he modifies it slightly. This change results in a deterioration of the product’s quality, making it no longer as effective as the original.

Years later, another manager arrives and decides to make another modification to the product. Now, the product is not only ineffective but also causes adverse side effects. Another manager arrives a few years later and also decides to make some changes to make the product more profitable, adding low-quality ingredients. Now the effects on patients are severe, even causing the deaths of some unnoticed patients. Finally, a fourth manager completely changes the formula, altering both the proportions and the ingredients, all of which are of poor quality.

Tell me, what will happen to the patients who take this medication?

The same happens with the gospel of the Kingdom of God. Jesus taught what to do and how to do it. He gave His apostles the original formula of the gospel. Unfortunately, throughout the centuries, leaders came along who altered the gospel slightly. At first, the changes seemed insignificant, but these teachings took root in the collective Christian mind, leading people to think they were unimportant. However, over 200 years, this teaching grew into a massive movement. Then other teachers sought to “improve” the gospel, teaching doctrines without biblical foundation for 20, 50, or even 100 years, leading many Christians to believe they were true—often because they consider their founder to have been some kind of enlightened figure or prophet whose legacy must be continued.

Now, in 2024, we see how false teachers have completely changed the gospel of the Kingdom. They no longer preach about Christ, much less about sin. Instead, they dedicate their time in the pulpit to talking about daily life, discussing politics, telling jokes for entertainment, singing, dancing, preaching that all Christians will be raptured, and teaching that the souls of Christians ascend to heaven when they die.

(By the way, if you want to know more about this topic, don’t miss our study titled The Rapture or the Church’s Catching Away.)

But the most absurd thing about these false prophets is that they teach that possessing wealth is God’s plan for every Christian. And just like the altered medication, the result will be the same: death, and unfortunately, eternal death!

The final days are characterized by an increase in false teachings and false teachers. This will not stop; on the contrary, it will increase. As Scripture says, they will gain so much power that they will even cause fire to come down from heaven to deceive people. Revelation 13:13 says: “And it performed great signs, even causing fire to come down from heaven to the earth in full view of the people.”

Not knowing the true gospel exposes you to falling for the deception of any charlatan. It is your duty as a mature Christian to investigate God’s Word to know the gospel that Jesus Christ and His apostles taught so that you can distinguish the true gospel from the false one. Then, when a false teacher tells you that the apostles didn’t know or didn’t want to take advantage of the “fruits of the prosperity gospel,” you will know that such a person is a false teacher, and you will reject them.

Now let us study God’s Word to see who the two most infamous figures of the end times will be.

The Beast that Comes Out of the Sea

In the book of Revelation 13:1-5, it says: “The dragon stood on the shore of the sea. And I saw a beast coming out of the sea. It had ten horns and seven heads, with ten crowns on its horns, and on each head a blasphemous name. The beast I saw resembled a leopard, but had feet like those of a bear and a mouth like that of a lion. The dragon gave the beast his power and his throne and great authority. One of the heads of the beast seemed to have had a fatal wound, but the fatal wound had been healed. The whole world was filled with wonder and followed the beast. People worshiped the dragon because he had given authority to the beast, and they also worshiped the beast and asked, ‘Who is like the beast? Who can wage war against it?’ The beast was given a mouth to utter proud words and blasphemies and to exercise its authority for forty-two months.”

This beast is undoubtedly a political leader who will wield immense power and will be very different from the politicians we know today. This man will assert himself through wisdom, cunning, and cleverness. He will be highly gifted intellectually. Using democratic mechanisms, he will get himself elected; he will convince people to place all their trust and faith in him. Others will be so convinced that his government is backed by God that they will not hesitate to follow him blindly.

The book of Daniel provides additional elements we must consider to determine the characteristics of this ruler. Let us see what Daniel 8:22-24 says: “The four horns that replaced the one that was broken off represent four kingdoms that will emerge from his nation but will not have the same power. In the latter part of their reign, when rebels have become completely wicked, a stern-faced king, a master of intrigue, will arise. He will become very strong, but not by his own power. He will cause astounding devastation and will succeed in whatever he does. He will destroy those who are mighty, the holy people. He will cause deceit to prosper, and he will consider himself superior. When they feel secure, he will destroy many and take his stand against the Prince of princes. Yet he will be destroyed, but not by human power.”

One of the characteristics of this ruler will be his cunning, which will allow him to gain political and military power through deception and lies, much like Adolf Hitler did during the Second World War. This is precisely how Satan operates. Remember, deception does not result from intimidating the victim but from convincing and persuading them to take action—whether it’s giving money to finance a political campaign, voting for a certain candidate in an election, or attending church on Sundays to leave your tithes, offerings, temple offerings, or “seed of blessing.”

People will believe in the Antichrist, much like someone seduced by a con artist. The victim believes they are gaining some economic or other benefit. Similarly, this ruler will deceive the entire world, influencing others with great cunning through the power granted to him by the father of lies, as stated in Daniel 7:22-24.

This beast, or ruler, will incite the inhabitants of the earth to believe that his government is approved by God. In the United States, millions of people claim to be Christians but believe that weapons are, in some way, divinely ordained instruments for their protection. Additionally, they are convinced that “evangelical politicians” are God’s instruments to extend His kingdom on earth. This belief takes on greater significance when the president of that nation declares himself to be a “born-again Christian.”

In the re-election of President George W Bush in 2004, a large number of Christians were manipulated into voting for him. Many Christians made their decision after Mr. Bush professed to be a born-again Christian. Millions of Christians voted for him because they were convinced that he was a brother and a child of God and would help the country curb the moral decline in which it found itself.

They hoped he would create and enforce laws against abortion or same-sex marriage. However, these issues were only important during the campaign period, as little or nothing was done about them during his presidency.

George W Bush was re-elected thanks to the support of evangelical Christians, as reported by CNN Español. On election day, they stated: “It is true that those who go to church voted for Bush, while secular voters preferred Kerry.”

Karl Rove, an advisor to the Republican campaign, publicly stated that the 2000 election results were very narrow because four million evangelicals did not vote. Rove relied on 19 million of these votes but only secured 15 million. This explains why Bush sought to ingratiate himself with those who believed he was a servant of God. The vast majority of Christian denominations, to avoid losing their current tax-exempt status, had to refrain from openly supporting a politician. However, Christians distributed 35 million pamphlets to help guide voting decisions, and from pulpits, his re-election was openly supported.

This evangelical support was necessary for President Bush to initiate a war against Iraq, which had no legitimate basis. In the so-called war on terror, between 185,000 and 210,000 Iraqi civilians lost their lives, though organizations like PLOS Medicine estimate the figure could be as high as 500,000. This does not include combatants on either side. Additionally, the war in Afghanistan had its own death toll, with between 47,000 and 70,000 Afghan civilians perishing. These figures do not include direct combatants.

Many Christians tacitly endorsed these invasions, showing little concern for the immense loss of life on the other side of the world. They believe that Christians are at war with Islam and, therefore, see these wars as justified.

The events that motivated this invasion, such as the alleged involvement of Saddam Hussein’s government and Al-Qaeda, are under scrutiny, as numerous theories with compelling allegations have emerged in recent years about what really happened on September 11th, 2001, in New York. Unofficial and well-documented versions suggest that some members of the U.S. government not only had prior knowledge of those events but also participated in them.

I am not a conspiracist; I simply enjoy reading and studying using logic and common sense. That is why I urge you to investigate, read extensively, study, and use your common sense! Don’t just settle for what your favorite news channel presents to you. If these events were indeed an inside job, it only highlights the deception that millions of Christians and the general public around the world fell into.

It is well-known that the Republican Party in that country has managed to embed the idea within the evangelical Christian community that they represent Christian and family values. They claim to oppose abortion and same-sex marriage. Thus, if a Republican candidate seeks public office, they must uphold this banner, even if that person is homosexual, a liar, a tax evader, a womanizer, or a thief. It is enough for such a candidate to say they oppose all these things, and they can potentially be elected.

A recent example is Donald Trump. This man has faced justice in his country for acts of corruption, tax evasion, attempting a coup, and abusing women. In two of these cases, he has been found guilty. This businessman and television personality is now regarded by many of his followers as a messiah. They believe that Mr. Trump is anointed by God, even though he has confessed that he is not a Christian. Despite his life being surrounded by all kinds of scandals and showing himself to be a complete fraud, thousands of Christians follow and idolize him.

The problem is not that a man like him runs for president or that many people vote for him. After all, most politicians are part of a worldly system led by Satan, and we shouldn’t expect otherwise. The problem is that evangelical Christians are manipulated into believing in such individuals and, obviously, into voting for them and financially supporting their campaigns. These people are used and manipulated to the point of becoming fanatics, blindly following a corrupt man simply because he says he is Christian and believes in God. Sadly, these fanaticized Christians become echo chambers for his lies and deceit. This is the best and most recent example of how deceitful politicians can fool millions of people, especially Christians who are ignorant of God’s Word.

The Beast will not be a dumb but a highly intelligent and wise politician.

If we focus on the type of politician the Beast might be, we can emphatically say that he will not, in any way, resemble presidents like Bush or Trump. The Beast will be backed by Satan himself. He will possess great wisdom, remarkable cunning, and will achieve what many have not: the much-coveted peace and prosperity. His government will be one that deceives not only his own people but the entire world.

The Word of God is emphatic when it says that Satan is the father of lies and that his ministers disguise themselves as angels of light. It is no surprise, then, that millions of people will fall for the deception of this politician.

Another historical figure who caused great chaos and destruction was Adolf Hitler, who emerged suddenly in the political sphere. But the most prominent aspect of Hitler’s deception was his continual reference to “Christianity,” an absolutely essential aspect of the Beast’s government. During the Second World War, many German churches submissively yielded to the new order implemented by Hitler. He offered “freedom of religion and denomination,” among many other promises he made.

In a speech on March 23rd, 1933, Hitler praised the Christian faith and promised respect for freedom and conscience—something that obviously turned out to be false. Another aspect of his dictatorial government was its economic achievements, some of which were the following:

  • Reduction of unemployment: When Hitler came to power in 1933, Germany was suffering from a severe economic depression with high levels of unemployment. Through massive public works programs, such as the construction of highways, and increased military spending, unemployment dropped drastically. From six million unemployed in 1933, the figure fell to nearly zero by 1939.
  • Infrastructure development: In addition to highways, housing, public buildings, and improved industrial and transportation facilities were built, contributing to economic growth and employment.
  • Increased military spending: The German economy was geared toward rearmament and war preparation. This militarization of the economy created numerous jobs in the arms industry and related sectors.
  • Control of prices and wages: The Nazi regime imposed controls on prices and wages to prevent inflation and maintain economic stability. This also included the elimination of labor unions and the suppression of strikes, consolidating state control over the economy.
  • Economic autarky: Hitler promoted a policy of economic self-sufficiency (autarky), seeking to reduce dependence on foreign imports through domestic production and the acquisition of resources within territories controlled by Germany.

Amid a global economic depression, Nazi Germany presented itself as a beacon of light to the nations. However, as we all know, its end was one of death and destruction. It is no surprise that the Beast’s government will not only achieve economic prosperity but also bring peace and tranquility to its citizens. Isn’t that what all humans desire? What’s wrong with a president of a nation reaching this milestone?

The Word of God says that He does not share His glory with anyone. “Do not worship any other god, for the Lord, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God.” Exodus 34:14. And just like his father, Satan, the Beast will want people to pay him homage. Perhaps, at the beginning of his career, his heart was in the right place, but so much praise for his great achievements will lead him to fall into arrogance, just like his father, Satan.

The book of Ezekiel 28:12-15 says: “Son of man, take up a lament concerning the king of Tyre and say to him: ‘This is what the Sovereign Lord says: “‘You were the seal of perfection, full of wisdom and perfect in beauty. You were in Eden, the garden of God; every precious stone adorned you: carnelian, chrysolite and emerald, topaz, onyx and jasper, lapis lazuli, turquoise and beryl. Your settings and mountings were made of gold; on the day you were created, they were prepared. You were anointed as a guardian cherub, for so I ordained you. You were on the holy mount of God; you walked among the fiery stones. You were blameless in your ways from the day you were created till wickedness was found in you.”

Satan was created PERFECT. He was an immensely powerful being until wickedness was found in him. His sin was arrogance—he believed he could be better and more powerful than his Creator. Let us remember that Satan will be the teacher and mentor of this brilliant politician. His wisdom will surpass that of any economist or statesman of our time or previous eras. There will be no riddle he cannot solve. Everything will go well for him, and no one will stop him—until the end comes upon him.

The Beast from the Earth

The book of Revelation 13:10-11 says: “Then I saw another beast, coming out of the earth. It had two horns like a lamb, but it spoke like a dragon. It exercised all the authority of the first beast on its behalf, and made the earth and its inhabitants worship the first beast, whose fatal wound had been healed.”

The False Prophet “will be very similar to a Christian,” which will earn him respect and support from “the highest world authorities.” Moreover, he will gain such power that people will believe he is a messenger from God or a Messiah, bringing a message directly from the throne of God. He will be a figure highly esteemed by his followers, much like some false prophets of the past.

This False Prophet will be an advocate of the infamous prosperity gospel and other modern heresies. Many might not realize it, but the prosperity gospel is one of Satan’s greatest deceptions. This false Christ will proclaim what millions of human beings have desired for centuries: peace and prosperity. To support his preaching, he will perform many miracles and wonders.

The power of the Beast and the False Prophet will last for a short time—specifically, 42 months, or 3½ years (Revelation 13:5). During this time, he will carry out one of the greatest deceptions: raising the dead.

Revelation 13:3-4 says: “One of the heads of the beast seemed to have had a fatal wound, but the fatal wound had been healed. The whole world was filled with wonder and followed the beast. People worshiped the dragon because he had given authority to the beast, and they also worshiped the beast and asked, ‘Who is like the beast? Who can wage war against it?'”

This head, which was fatally wounded, will be resurrected by the power granted to the False Prophet to deceive the inhabitants of the earth so that those who refused to receive the love of the truth may be condemned.

Why do we say these heads are people? Because the Bible itself declares it in Revelation 17:8-13: “The beast, which you saw, once was, now is not, and yet will come up out of the Abyss and go to its destruction. The inhabitants of the earth whose names have not been written in the book of life from the creation of the world will be astonished when they see the beast, because it once was, now is not, and yet will come. This calls for a mind with wisdom. The seven heads are seven hills on which the woman sits. They are also seven kings. Five have fallen, one is, the other has not yet come; but when he does come, he must remain for only a little while. The beast who once was, and now is not, is an eighth king. He belongs to the seven and is going to his destruction. The ten horns you saw are ten kings who have not yet received a kingdom, but who for one hour will receive authority as kings along with the beast. They have one purpose and will give their power and authority to the beast.”

These kings or presidents will rise with the sole purpose of handing their power over to the Beast. They are politicians elected democratically but will unite their forces to form a single government led by the Beast. One of them will die but will be resurrected by the False Prophet. This will be an event witnessed around the world, and everyone will know that he has been resurrected.

As we mentioned earlier, the inhabitants of the earth will be deceived by this politician because he will offer tangible and measurable results to his people—something ordinary politicians do not achieve. You know, many campaign promises, but few tangible results!

The False Prophet will convince people that he is anointed and that the Beast’s government is backed by God. This ruler will not appear to be a tyrant; on the contrary, he will be a peacemaker and a man who brings great economic prosperity to many nations on earth. He will be an example to other countries, which will be willing to follow in his footsteps. For many, the achievements of these figures will seem like a blessing, as they eagerly seek prosperity, even to the point of following him to the very end—even to kill.

A commonly accepted concept is the assumption that the Beast’s government will be a global government, which is not true. While its influence will indeed be worldwide, its governance will be regional. The Beast will be a “rock star” of global politics, adored by the masses and hated by his political detractors. The Word of God specifically says that ten kings will hand over their power and authority to the Beast. The Beast will be the president of one of those nations that will join forces with the other nine. It is not a government centered on the United Nations or a group of world leaders, which, of course, consists of more than ten.

I want to clarify that the deception is already present. Many may think that this study contradicts the teachings of their pastor or denomination, teachings they have heard for many years. Most Christians do not believe that wealth and prosperity are a deception, and this is precisely the first symptom of deception: denying that one is being deceived. Jesus said in the Gospel of Matthew 13:22, “The seed falling among the thorns refers to someone who hears the word, but the worries of this life and the deceitfulness of wealth choke the word, making it unfruitful.”

Wealth is deceitful; do not try to interpret it!

I know that renouncing a belief that has been deeply rooted in your heart for so long takes time; I only ask the Lord to show you the truth. We must remember that there are only two sides: with God or against Him. There are no middle grounds. Therefore, if you have not been sealed by the Holy Spirit of God, you will be sealed by the Beast, who will mark his followers on their right hand or forehead, symbolizing the strength and conviction with which they embrace his false teachings.

The mark of the Beast will be implanted in your mind! Consequently, if you are convinced and persuaded of something, you will act. You will not remain idle when you believe something is worth fighting for. You will strive to defend heresies, even if you are unaware of doing so. Your mind is Satan’s battlefield; he wins battles by planting ideas and persuading people to act, often leading them to sin against God and disobey His Word. The mark of the Beast will not be a chip implanted in your body, a vaccine, a currency, or a physical seal.

This is exactly what happens in a cult where people are recruited with promises of freedom, harmony with nature, extraterrestrials, or animals. They sincerely believe these philosophies… until they realize their mistake!

Remember that the Antichrist and the False Prophet are Satan’s ultimate representatives. Keep that in mind! They are deceivers, liars; there is not an ounce of truth in them. Everything they say and will say is a lie. If you do not know the truth, if you do not study the Word of God, if you do not dedicate time to prayer, and especially, if you have not been baptized by the Holy Spirit, you run a very high risk of being deceived by them and, therefore, being condemned along with them—because that is their fate.

The seal of the Beast is not physical but mental, as Satan does not force anyone to sin against God; he achieves this through deception. In this way, man sins against God, sometimes unknowingly. That is why I insist: you must know the Scriptures, you must know the gospel preached by Jesus and His apostles, and cling to it. You cannot settle for less. Anything that does not resemble the gospel of the Kingdom is very likely not the gospel, and you must reject it.

Forget about feeling “at home” in a congregation. Do not consider your membership in a group of brothers and friends as a reason to stay. Fellowship among brothers is good and necessary, but do not think that it will save you. You will not be able to recognize the deception of these false teachers and children of Satan if you are too comfortable in a congregation.

The Beast and the False Prophet will act as a pair, following the pattern of the world because they are part of it. They in no way represent the true gospel of the Kingdom; on the contrary, they subtly insinuate that the gospel—the one and only gospel preached by our Lord Jesus Christ—has changed, arguing that the times have changed.

They will never present themselves as the tyrants of the movie; on the contrary, they will offer peace and prosperity. Is peace and prosperity not good? Who doesn’t want that? However, the true path is the path of the cross—a path that is often difficult to walk but filled with blessings and eternal life. Therefore, my friend and brother, I advise you not to be deceived by seductive doctrines that offer abundance and prosperity at the cost of disobedience to God.

Do not fall into Satan’s play on words; simply obey God with a humble heart. Investigate, read, and listen to different sources so that you may know the truth, and above all, let the Holy Spirit guide you and reveal His truth to you.


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