Dispensationalism and Its Legacy in Modern Christianity

Dispensationalism is a current of theological thought that has left a deep imprint in the mind and heart of the 21st century believer. In this study we will see what are its implications in our salvation.
Christmas a religious mystery

Many Christian customs have been adopted from the Catholic religion which obtained them from Roman paganism, one of them is the celebration of Christmas which has been one of the main celebrations for most of the evangelical congregations around the world.
Are the Christian’s tribulations a hardship or a requirement?

When we read the bible we discover that in both the old and new testaments the true servants of God have suffered countless needs and sufferings, on the contrary, the modern Christian believes that God wants us to enjoy superfluous things just as the world does.
Born Again

Although two thousand years have passed since Jesus spoke about the new birth; this subject continues to be confusing to most modern Christians.
Man’s soul, spirit and body

This subject is highly controversial and subject to speculation, so we will turn to scripture to explain a little more about it.
It will be like in the days of Noah!

As in Noah’s time, men take the word of God as a story or a religious history that has no relation to our modern times; however, there are many signs that indicate that the time of the end is very near.
We must prepare for the future

Would you like to know the future? Of course many people want to know what their destiny is, and for that some may fall into the sin of divination.
God will reveal mysteries at the end of time

The bible is the word of God, we all know that, but what many do not know is that God has not stopped revealing his word to his chosen ones. The scripture says that God will reveal mysteries in the end time.
Hell and God’s paradise

Most Christians have an image of hell very similar to the one that the Catholic religion has taught for centuries, this vision has been influenced by a literary work of the Middle Ages that has no biblical support.
Like Jesus Christ

Difficult situations make many Christians wonder if God still loves them or if Satan has taken control of their lives. Others believe that if a Christian is going through difficult situations it is because he or she has some hidden sin.