God’s justice delays but does not forget

God’s justice delays but does not forget
By: R. Monroy

n the United States, for many years, particularly during the administration of President George W. Bush, a campaign against Latino immigrants was launched under the guise of the so-called “anti-terrorism” effort. However, even the most inexperienced citizen in that country knows that the terrorists responsible for the September 11, 2001, attacks did not enter through the southern border. This reveals that such persecution has a different underlying purpose, one that goes beyond combating terrorism. Instead of protecting the nation from external threats, this campaign has become a tool for discrimination and harassment against people seeking better opportunities.

What is most outrageous is that among the ranks of the Republican Party, also known as the “ultra-conservative right,” there are many “evangelical Christians” who claim to follow Jesus’ teachings. These individuals are part of large congregations in the United States and yet have been complicit in the decisions made by that government in the past. This kind of contradiction raises a troubling question: how can people who identify as Christians support unjust laws and inhumane measures, such as the legalization of torture?

Why invade a country, resulting in the deaths of over 100,000 innocent people, when that country had no connection to the 2001 attacks? Why break into the homes of hardworking individuals, treating them as criminals whose only “crime” is being poor? How is it possible for employers to exploit their workers without facing consequences? And why are there “Christians” who strive harder to harm their fellow humans than to show them the love of God?

Perhaps we do not have clear answers to all these questions, but one thing is certain: all these injustices, including the persecution of Latino immigrants and others, will come to an end. We live in difficult times, marked by deceit and lies, where many people fall into the traps of obvious and more sophisticated falsehoods.

Almost 80 years ago, Adolf Hitler said, “The greater the lie, the more people will believe it.” Sadly, this remains true today. Many well-intentioned Christians who genuinely want to follow God have been deceived and manipulated into supporting leaders like Hitler and Bush, who presented themselves as “members” of the same religious group. What is most concerning is that many of those who commit these injustices genuinely believe they are acting legally and even with God’s approval. They think that being within human law also means they are within divine law, ignoring that God’s justice is far higher and more perfect.

Many believers assume that all Christians are inherently just simply because they belong to a particular denomination, but this is not true. The only way to be justified before God is by keeping His commandments. Jesus was clear when He said: “For I tell you that unless your righteousness surpasses that of the Pharisees and the teachers of the law, you will certainly not enter the kingdom of heaven.” Matthew 5:20. This means that superficial compliance is not enough; the righteousness of believers must be sincere and go beyond mere appearances.

Our justification depends largely on our actions and obedience to God’s Word. Paul expresses this clearly in his letter to the Galatians: “If, while we seek to be justified in Christ, it becomes evident that we ourselves are sinners, does that mean that Christ promotes sin? Absolutely not! If I rebuild what I destroyed, then I really would be a lawbreaker.” Galatians 2:17-18. This means that when we repent of our sins, the works of evil are destroyed; but if we return to them, we become transgressors of God’s law and, therefore, deserving of His punishment.

It is possible that at some point, you were unjust without realizing it, causing harm to one or many people unknowingly. Just as Paul persecuted the church of the Lord, believing he was doing good, you may have also been unjust to your neighbor. However, what matters is not what you have done but that you repent and seek God’s forgiveness to avoid repeating the same mistakes. Sincere repentance is the key that opens the door to forgiveness and restoration.

On the other hand, perhaps you have faced a situation of injustice from which you want to escape but feel you cannot. Maybe you have been a victim of others’ unjust actions and have felt tempted to take justice into your own hands. Perhaps your family is enduring unjust suffering. Do not despair or lose hope because God’s response will come in His time. As Scripture teaches us: “You know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving. Anyone who does wrong will be repaid for their wrongs, and there is no favoritism.” Colossians 3:24-25.

These verses assure us that God is just and will judge all people without exception. Those of us who serve Him will be rewarded for our faithfulness, while those who act unjustly will be punished. Even if it seems there is no way out of your situation now, be patient and trust that God will not abandon you. His timing is perfect, and even when we do not understand His plans, He is always working in our favor.

The times of uncertainty and persecution we live in are not the end of the story. The Bible teaches us that God’s justice will be revealed in due time and that every action, whether good or bad, will receive its reward or punishment. This is a call for deep reflection, both for those who have suffered injustices and for those who, consciously or not, have perpetrated them.

Believers must not be complicit in unjust systems or support measures that contradict Jesus’ teachings. We are called to be agents of change, people who strive to live according to the message of love and justice preached by our Lord. It is our responsibility not to be swayed by human ideologies that distance us from God’s truth.

True Christianity is not measured by the size of our congregations or the political power we might achieve but by the transformation of our hearts and the love we show to others, especially the most vulnerable. Jesus called us to be the light and salt of the earth, an example of mercy and compassion, not judgment and condemnation.

If today you are facing a difficult situation or recognize that you have acted unjustly, this is the moment to seek God, to ask for His guidance and forgiveness, and to commit to living according to His commandments. The future is not determined by past mistakes but by our willingness to walk with God and obey His Word.

Always remember that human justice is imperfect, but God’s justice is perfect and eternal. In the end, each of us will reap what we have sown, and the harvest we gather will depend on how we have lived. God’s promise is that we are not alone in this process, and if we trust in Him, we will see His justice revealed in His time.


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