It will be like in the days of Noah!

It will be like in the days of Noah!
By: R. Monroy

ust like in the days of Noah, many consider God's word to be a tale or a religious story with no relevance to modern life. However, there is abundant evidence showing that events in the past, such as the flood, hold validity both historically and archaeologically.

The account of the universal flood, known as Noah’s Flood, has parallels in many ancient cultures around the world. Each of these cultures has its own version of the story, suggesting a possible common origin or a series of natural events that impacted these civilizations.

In Mesopotamia, one of the oldest and most famous accounts is the Epic of Gilgamesh. This epic, dating back to around 2100 B.C., tells the story of Utnapishtim, who was warned by the god Ea about a flood meant to destroy humanity. To survive, Utnapishtim builds a great boat in which he saves his family and several species of animals. This account has many similarities to the biblical story of Noah, which has led some scholars to believe that both stories might share a common origin in the Mesopotamian region.

Another Mesopotamian account is the Epic of Atrahasis, in which Enki, one of the gods, warns Atrahasis about a flood sent to reduce the human population. Just like Utnapishtim and Noah, Atrahasis builds an ark and survives the catastrophe. These stories highlight the importance of the survival of humanity through divine intervention and the building of a refuge.

Greek mythology also has its version of the flood in the story of Deucalion and Pyrrha. In this legend, Zeus decides to destroy humanity with a great flood because of their corruption. Deucalion and his wife Pyrrha build an ark and survive, repopulating the earth after the waters recede. This story is another example of how ancient people viewed floods as a divine means of purification and renewal.

In Hindu tradition, the flood account is found in the story of Manu and the fish Matsya. Manu, the first man, is warned by the god Vishnu, incarnated as a fish, about a flood that will destroy the world. Manu builds a boat and, with the help of Matsya, survives the flood and preserves life on Earth.

Indigenous cultures of the Americas also have flood stories. The Aztecs believed that the god Tlaloc had sent a great flood to destroy humanity in a previous era, and only one man and one woman survived to repopulate the earth. In Inca mythology, the creator god Viracocha sent a flood to destroy the giants who inhabited the earth before the creation of humans.

The existence of a universal flood as described in these accounts is a subject of debate in the academic community. However, there are certain archaeological and scientific evidences that suggest the occurrence of great floods in ancient times that may have inspired these stories. For example, in many parts of the world, sediment layers have been found indicating large floods that took place in ancient times. These discoveries suggest that catastrophic floods were real events that impacted various civilizations.

Clay tablets have also been found in archaeological sites in Mesopotamia, such as the Library of Ashurbanipal in Nineveh, containing versions of flood stories, like the Epic of Gilgamesh, dating back thousands of years before Christ.

Another theory is the Black Sea Overflow. Some researchers believe that a catastrophic flooding event occurred around 5600 B.C., when the Mediterranean overflowed and filled the Black Sea area, rapidly transforming it from a freshwater lake to a salty sea. This massive flood may have been the basis for many flood stories in the region.

The fact that so many cultures have similar accounts of a great flood suggests that these events were part of the collective memory of humanity. While there is no conclusive evidence of a flood that covered the entire Earth, archaeological and geological findings support the idea that great floods occurred in different places and times. These events may have had such a profound impact on ancient societies that the stories were passed down from generation to generation, evolving into the mythical and religious accounts we know today.

Jesus told His disciples to observe the signs to recognize the times.

Although we cannot predict the exact moment of His return, much less set a specific date, we can be certain that we are living in the stage that Jesus referred to as the “beginning of birth pains.” “But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father. As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be at the coming of the Son of Man. For in the days before the flood, people were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, up to the day Noah entered the ark.” Matthew 24:36-38

A hundred years ago, no one could imagine flying from one place to another in a matter of hours. Letters, which used to take days, weeks, or even months to arrive, have been replaced by emails that travel in seconds. Nowadays, we depend on instruments that in the past we couldn’t even conceive. We spend hours in front of a screen, watching programs that entertain us and make us desire things that are not really necessary for life.

As distractions have increased, so has the number of people consuming them. Every weekend, we see how many young people go out to the streets in search of reckless fun, and it’s not uncommon for them to end the night, drunk or high, in some hotel with the “conquest” of the moment. Party nights have become so popular that those who do not participate in this lifestyle are often labeled as “old-fashioned” or “third-world.”

Starting in the 1970s, the United States experienced a cultural revolution in which the hippie movement played an important role in sexual liberation, promoting the idea that sex was a form of free and natural expression. During this time, sexuality began to be viewed as an “art” that could be presented without censorship, leading to the production of films that explicitly explored sexuality. This new approach was seized upon by the film industry, which quickly brought this content to the big screen. The public’s response was positive, and commercial success motivated many producers to explore this field, laying the foundations for what we now know as the pornography industry.

During the 1980s, the emergence of video cassettes (VHS) allowed pornographic content to become more accessible to millions of people in their own homes, eliminating the need to attend adult cinemas, which many viewed as an uncomfortable experience. This technological change enabled the rapid expansion of the industry, which by then had already reached unprecedented popularity.

Today, the mass availability of the internet has transformed this accessibility, with a simple search, anyone can find pornographic content in a matter of seconds. While exact data may vary, recent studies indicate that between 4 and 15 percent of online traffic is related to pornography, and there are hundreds of thousands of websites dedicated to this type of content.

Despite efforts to regulate pornography on the internet, these have had limited results. In 1996, the U.S. Congress passed the Communications Decency Act, which prohibited the “knowing transmission” of obscene or indecent messages to minors under 18. However, in 1997, the Supreme Court struck down this law, deeming it “too broad” and a threat to free speech. This decision set a precedent and highlighted the difficulties in regulating such content in the digital age.

Over time, pornography has shifted from being a business pursued by the justice system to becoming a multimillion-dollar industry that many wish to participate in. The technological explosion has brought with it an unprecedented libertinism, generating a growing dependence on things that were once not essential. Technology, which initially seemed to promise us an easier and more comfortable life, has contributed to a culture where immediate pleasure and unlimited access to all kinds of content are just a click away. We find ourselves in an era where freedom of choice seems to have become an invitation to excess.

Modernity has led humans to develop an insatiable desire to consume and possess, a constant impulse to acquire and show off. Many long for the latest car model, the biggest house, to live in the most cosmopolitan city, or to enjoy the finest wines. This desire does not always correspond to authentic needs but is often driven by a desire to satisfy the ego and project an image of success to others.

Jesus also compared the last days to the days of Lot, issuing a warning about humanity’s behavior in the days leading up to His manifestation. He said, “It was the same in the days of Lot: people were eating and drinking, buying and selling, planting and building. But the day Lot left Sodom, fire and sulfur rained down from heaven and destroyed them all. It will be just like this on the day the Son of Man is revealed.” Luke 17:27-29

Just like in the days of Lot, people lived immersed in their daily activities, seeking their own well-being without paying attention to the moral and spiritual decay surrounding them. Jesus points out that indifference and self-indulgence will be distinctive marks of the end times, something we can see reflected in our current culture.

In the Days of Lot, there was an abundance of entertainment.

The days of Lot had many similarities with the times of Noah: society enjoyed economic abundance, but alongside this prosperity, sexual immorality and the pride of its inhabitants flourished. In some developed countries, like the United States and much of Europe, this has become part of daily life. With greater economic possibilities for “enjoying,” many people dedicate time and resources to satisfying their lowest impulses, whether through drugs, alcohol, illicit relationships, or pornography consumption.

This does not mean that in countries with fewer economic resources, there are no problems of depravity or addiction; rather, in places with less prosperity, the opportunities to fall into these excesses tend to be less frequent. However, in nations with material abundance, access to these practices is facilitated, and with it, there is also an increase in the disconnection from moral and spiritual principles.

God’s word warns us that the judgments that fell upon Sodom and Gomorrah were merely a glimpse of what will happen when Jesus Christ returns to the earth to execute His justice upon all the nations that have not believed in Him. This account is not just a reminder of the past; it is a warning about the fate of those who reject the call to righteousness.

Today, we see how nations give themselves without reservation to the pursuit of pleasure and the satisfaction of the ego. It is enough to walk the streets of any city to observe the reality: prostitution, pornography, drugs, alcohol, and tobacco are present and within reach of all. These vices not only contradict the nature of God, but they also represent an active choice to turn away from His principles, just as it happened in Sodom and Gomorrah.

The Bible reminds us that God’s judgment will not be delayed forever. Just as He destroyed the ancient world, He will also bring judgment upon those who persistently reject His truth. As the Scripture says: “In a similar way, Sodom and Gomorrah and the surrounding towns gave themselves up to sexual immorality and perversion. They serve as an example of those who suffer the punishment of eternal fire.” Jude 1:7 “If He did not spare the ancient world but protected Noah, a preacher of righteousness, and seven others; if He condemned the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah by burning them to ashes, and made them an example of what is going to happen to the ungodly; and if He rescued Lot, a righteous man, who was distressed by the depraved conduct of the lawless…” 2 Peter 2:5-7

God urges us not to be like those who give themselves to self-indulgence and the disregard of His commandments, but to live a life in communion with Him, remembering that His justice, though patient, is inescapable.

The miracles that Jesus performed in the cities of His time were more than demonstrations of power; they were clear signs testifying that He was the promised Messiah. Through every healing and every supernatural act, Jesus displayed His compassion and divine identity. However, although these miracles impacted many, many others remained unbelieving. Even today, the Lord continues to perform miracles and healings in the modern world, showing His power and love. Nevertheless, despite these manifestations, there are still those who refuse to believe. To them, the Lord warns just as He did with Capernaum. “And you, Capernaum, will you be lifted to the heavens? No, you will go down to Hades. For if the miracles that were performed in you had been performed in Sodom, it would have remained to this day. But I tell you that it will be more bearable for Sodom on the day of judgment than for you.” Matthew 11:23-24

But there is another important aspect that we must consider and that often goes unnoticed. It is true that sexual sins are one of the most serious problems humanity faces, but idleness also represents a significant danger, which rarely receives the attention it deserves. The Bible warns us that idleness, excessive comfort, and neglect of the needy were part of the cause of Sodom’s destruction. God reminds us of this in His words:

“Now this was the sin of your sister Sodom: She and her daughters were arrogant, overfed and unconcerned; they did not help the poor and needy. They were haughty and did detestable things before me. Therefore I did away with them as you have seen.” Ezekiel 16:49-50

This passage is a warning that goes beyond the obvious behaviors of sin; it calls us to examine our hearts and recognize how pride, abundance, and unrestrained leisure can lead us to indifference toward others. God does not only condemn the sin of Sodom for sexual immorality but also for the indifference toward the needy and the lack of compassion.

Pride and self-sufficiency, combined with a life of comfort, can lead us to ignore God’s call to be generous and just. Just as Sodom was judged for its disregard for the less fortunate and its self-indulgent attitude, this passage urges us not to fall into the same error. Idleness and selfishness not only distance us from God but also prevent us from living a life that reflects His love and justice toward others.
Money is an Idol that will be toppled from its altar when Christ returns.

The abundance of material goods has become an idol for many Christians. Unfortunately, most are not even aware of it. In the mindset of the 21st-century Christian, especially those living in developed countries, there is the belief that they “must” be prosperous in all their endeavors as a sign of divine blessing. However, Scripture warns that the sin of Sodom was precisely the abundance of food and idleness, a warning against the danger of placing possessions and comfort on a pedestal.

According to recent data from the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), in 2023, international tourism generated export revenues, including passenger transport and entry fees, reaching 1.7 trillion U.S. dollars, approximately 96% of the pre-pandemic levels in real terms. In Latin America, tourism contributed more than 629 billion U.S. dollars to the region’s economies in 2023, sustaining nearly 25 million jobs, which represents 9% of its workforce.

These figures invite us to reflect on how money and tourism can become modern idols. The pursuit of wealth and a life full of comforts can lead us to a life centered on the “self,” pulling us away from the purpose God has for us. By placing our hope and sense of success in riches, we risk falling into the same error as Sodom, forgetting that the true purpose of prosperity is to help and strengthen the needy, not to feed our own vanity.

The fast food industry generates over 900 billion U.S. dollars annually worldwide, and the United States remains the largest market, representing a significant portion of these sales. In 2023, fast food sales in the United States exceeded 330 billion U.S. dollars, maintaining a high concentration of restaurants and chains, with more than 300 major brands operating in the country. This enormous industry continues to grow, driven by convenience and the fast-paced lifestyle of many consumers.

The expansion of fast food has coincided with an increase in health issues related to overweight and obesity. According to the 2023 statistics from the World Health Organization (WHO), approximately 2.6 billion adults worldwide are overweight, and of these, more than 1 billion are considered obese.
In terms of the child population, it is estimated that at least 39 million children under five years old are overweight or obese. This problem, which used to be concentrated in high-income countries, is now alarmingly affecting low- and middle-income nations, especially in urban areas where access to ultra-processed foods has significantly increased.

The WHO projects that if this trend continues, the number of adults with overweight and obesity could exceed 3 billion by the end of this decade. This phenomenon reflects not only changes in food consumption but also a shift in lifestyles, with less physical activity and greater reliance on easily accessible but nutrient-poor foods.

This scenario poses serious public health challenges, as the rise in obesity is linked to problems such as cardiovascular diseases, type 2 diabetes, and even certain types of cancer. The dependence on fast food and the lack of healthy food options in many areas have contributed to this global health crisis, which shows no signs of decreasing.

Abundance and Pride are conditions that should not mix.

Abundance in itself is not a negative thing; in fact, material blessings can be a sign of God’s provision. However, the real problem arises when abundance feeds pride and the arrogance of having more than necessary. In this era, many Christians have stopped praying for food, considering it unnecessary or insignificant due to the apparent security of always having more than they need. Not to mention a life of prayer, which is essential for maintaining communication with God and, unfortunately, has been abandoned for a long time.

The excess of material possessions can slowly erode the need to seek God and maintain a life of prayer. As life becomes filled with things, dependence on God decreases. Instead of dedicating time to prayer and reflection, millions of Christians immerse themselves in multiple activities and commitments. The fast pace of modern life barely allows time for truly important matters, and thus, the 24 hours in a day are not enough to attend to all the commitments and distractions surrounding them.

This lifestyle ends up absorbing the value of the essential and replacing it with the superficial, causing time and effort to be directed more toward personal satisfaction than toward fulfilling the commandments of Jesus. People seek comfort and success, but often at the cost of their spiritual connection.

God’s Word warns us that the last days will be like the days of Noah and Lot; that is, the customs and practices of modern nations will be similar to the habits and moral decay of ancient civilizations before the destruction that befell them. This parallel highlights that, despite progress and knowledge, humanity tends to repeat patterns of pride, selfishness, and self-indulgence.

God has left countless warnings throughout Scripture, calling mankind to turn to Him and abandon the path of selfishness. However, instead of listening and obeying His voice, society is increasingly turning away from the divine plan, seeking self-sufficiency and immediate pleasure above eternal principles. This turning away from God not only affects individual lives but also transforms entire societies, distancing them from the purpose for which they were created.

Noah’s Ark: A Mystery in the Mountains of Ararat?

The Bible mentions that the final days will be like the days of Noah, a time marked by God’s warning and judgment through the flood. This account has motivated many to search for Noah’s Ark, which many believe is located somewhere in the Ararat Mountains in Turkey.

In 1959, a Turkish pilot captured an aerial photograph of an unusual formation resembling a ship in the Ararat Mountains. This image caught the attention of scientists and researchers from several countries. Dr. Arthur Brandenburger, an expert in image analysis from Ohio State University, examined the photographs and concluded that the object appeared to have a structure similar to that of a ship. It is important to note that Dr. Brandenburger was known for his skill in aerial photograph analysis and is credited with discovering the missile bases in Cuba during John F. Kennedy’s presidency in the 1960s, a crucial finding in the context of the Cold War.

In the early 1960s, an American team embarked on an expedition to explore the region and examine the structure. Using dynamite, they made a hole in the side of the rock formation. During the expedition, they found some pieces of material that seemed to be petrified wood, indicating significant age. However, the team concluded that the site had no archaeological interest, as the material lacked growth rings. The absence of these rings led them to believe that it could not be wood, as rings are typically an indicator of seasonal growth in plants and trees.

However, in 1977, the amateur researcher and archaeologist Ron Wyatt decided to visit the area after reading an article in Life magazine about the discovery. Wyatt, convinced that the site deserved further study, theorized that the conditions of the Earth before the biblical flood might have been very different, with a uniform climate that did not produce the growth rings we observe today. This idea is based on the biblical description of the pre-flood environment. “…for the Lord God had not sent rain on the earth… but streams came up from the earth and watered the whole surface of the ground…” Genesis 2:5-6. This reference suggests a natural irrigation system without rain, which, according to Ron Wyatt, could explain the lack of growth rings in the supposed petrified wood at the site.

Ron Wyatt spent several years researching the structure and conducted further studies. Although his work is controversial and has been criticized by some in the scientific community for lacking an archaeology degree, his discoveries rekindled interest in the site. Since then, other expeditions have explored the region, and the debate continues among archaeologists, theologians, and enthusiasts about the authenticity of the Ark. Despite the lack of conclusive evidence, the site has maintained its mystique, attracting researchers who see a possible connection with the biblical account.

The Location of the Ark in the Ararat Mountains

The structure that some believe could be Noah’s Ark is located at an altitude of approximately 6,300 feet above sea level, a considerable height if it were the remains of a ship originating from a local flood. Furthermore, it is located more than 200 miles from the nearest sea, which suggests that a normal water surge could not have left a ship in this position, one of the arguments supporting the biblical account of a global flood.

One of the most striking details is that the dimensions of this structure seem to match the measurements described in Genesis 6:15, where it mentions that the Ark was 300 cubits long (approximately 150 meters). Although the width of the found structure is greater than that mentioned in the Bible, this could be explained by the collapse of the sides of the object over the millennia, which would have affected its original shape.

In a study conducted at the site, the use of ground-penetrating radar revealed that the object seemed to have complex internal characteristics. The scans showed what could be a three-deck structure, similar to the descriptions of the Ark in Genesis. The two upper decks appear to have collapsed, leaving the lower deck intact, where what seemed to be 144 compartments or rooms were identified. There were also indications of walls, cavities, a door near the front of the structure, ramps, and large cisterns located near the bow.

The radar also showed protrusions extending from the stern, which some interpreted as possible stabilizers that could have helped maintain the Ark’s balance in turbulent waters. To further analyze the structure, Ron Wyatt took samples of the material to the Galbraith Laboratories in Knoxville, Tennessee. The results indicated that the material contained characteristics consistent with petrified laminated wood, which would be compatible with an intentional construction and not a natural geological formation.
Although these findings have captured the attention of many interested in biblical archaeology, they have also been met with skepticism and debate in the scientific community.

To date, no consensus has been reached to conclusively confirm that this structure is Noah’s Ark as described in the Bible, and the lack of further studies and excavations has left many questions unanswered. However, the combination of its remote location, its dimensional characteristics, and the findings from the ground-penetrating radar has kept the interest in this discovery alive, and some researchers continue to explore the possibility that the Ark may have left more traces in the Ararat Mountains.

Analysis and Evidence at the Ark Site

Carbon analyses conducted at the site of the alleged Noah’s Ark structure showed a significantly higher carbon content than the surrounding areas. In the samples from the specific site, 4.95% carbon content was detected, while the surrounding areas had only 1.88%. This difference suggests that the material at the site may have once been organic matter or wood, which over time petrified and retained a high carbon content, differentiating it from the natural geological composition of the area.

In addition to carbon, sophisticated metal alloys such as iron, titanium, and aluminum have been found at the site—elements that do not usually appear together naturally in geological formations of such antiquity. This has led some researchers to think that these alloys might have been used in ancient construction, although this point is debated among secular experts due to the lack of an archaeological context, though there is a biblical one, for the use of complex alloys in such early periods.

During visual explorations and with detection technology, structural features have been observed, which some interpret as “ribs” of petrified wood and beams running along the length of the ship. Using various metal detectors, thousands of possible metal rivets were found, suggesting an intentional construction pattern. The arrangement of these iron rivets, found at regular intervals, forms a pattern of horizontal and vertical lines along the structure, which has been interpreted as evidence of compartments or bulkheads at regular levels.

An interesting aspect is the presence of iron in linear patterns that align with the structure of the ship’s hull. The Bible, in Genesis 4:22, mentions that Tubal-Cain was “the forger of all kinds of tools in bronze and iron,” which suggests that the use of metals could date back to periods earlier than what conventional science considers the Iron Age. At this site, iron nodules have also been detected at approximately 5,400 points along the structure, forming linear patterns consistent with the arrangement of a hull built intentionally.

These findings have led to an intense debate within the scientific community. While some researchers believe that the patterns of iron and the levels of carbon could indicate an ancient construction, others maintain that the elements found could have geological explanations. To date, the site remains a place of interest and speculation, and it is expected that future research and more advanced technologies may shed more light on the true origin of this structure.

Explorations and Evidence at the Ark Site

In 1991, Greg Brewer, one of the explorers who studied the formation in the Ararat Mountains, found a petrified horn on the side of the structure. Additionally, during a drilling operation in the area, Ron Wyatt discovered other surprising objects, such as hair from an extinct rodent, petrified animal excrement, and red human hair. These discoveries were interpreted by some as possible biological remains of the creatures that would have traveled on the Ark, although the archaeological context is still a subject of debate.

It is important to highlight what the Bible mentions about the resting place of the Ark. In Genesis 8:4, it says, “And the ark rested in the seventh month, on the seventeenth day of the month, on the mountains of Ararat.” It does not specify Mount Ararat as the resting site, but rather the mountainous region of Ararat, which opens the possibility that the Ark may have been located in a more expansive area rather than on a specific mountain.

This formation, in fact, is located about fifteen miles south of Mount Ararat. Curiously, the names of nearby places seem to be related to the biblical flood account. The valley where the structure is located is known as Sekiz Vadisi, or “The Valley of the Eight,” in reference to the eight survivors of the flood: Noah, his wife, his three sons, and their wives. Additionally, a village in the valley is called Sekiz Köyü, or “The Village of the Eight,” and near it, giant stone anchors have been found thousands of feet above sea level and hundreds of miles from the nearest sea.

These stone anchors, which feature carvings of Christian crosses from the Crusades, suggest that at some point, they were considered religious relics tied to the Ark tradition. Thirteen of these stone anchors have been found aligned toward the ship-shaped formation, which some interpret as a possible navigational trail, indicating that Noah may have released them as the waters receded.

Other nearby villages also have curious names that could be connected with the Ark story. One is called Karga Köyü, or “The Village of the Raven,” which could refer to the moment when Noah released the raven from the Ark. Another village is named Ters Kürek Köyü, or “The Village of the Inverted Oars,” hinting at the idea of a ship that once moved over this area and began to stop when it reached its final resting place.

The Turkish government, interested in the cultural and historical significance of the site, has sent archaeological research teams to the region. One of their teams recovered four intact metal bars, each about four feet long. These findings are now under the custody of Turkey’s Ministry of Mines and Minerals. In a significant step, the Turkish government has designated the site as a national park, officially declaring it to be the remains of Noah’s Ark.

For those who still consider the flood to be a myth, the Bible presents more warnings about God’s judgment. The apostle Peter reminds us that the present heavens and earth are “reserved for fire, being kept for the day of judgment and destruction of the ungodly.” 2 Peter 3:7

Sodom and Gomorrah Were Real

Let’s look at part of the research that amateur archaeologist Ron Wyatt conducted in the western part of the Dead Sea, where the remnants of two cities turned to ashes remain: one at the foot of Mount Masada, and the other at the foot of Mount Sodom.

In 1989, while driving along the road that runs through these sites, Ron Wyatt noticed what appeared to be walls and structures of an ancient city. Although he had passed this road about thirty or forty times before, on this occasion he noticed details that reminded him of buildings.

Upon further investigation, Ron Wyatt found what he described as structures resembling buildings, all completely made of ashes. In some of these constructions, there are even rooms that can be accessed.
He also identified interconnected streets, ziggurats, and a structure resembling a sphinx, all surrounded by a typical wall of an ancient city, complete with buttresses. Ziggurats were commonly built as part of religious cults in ancient civilizations. The uniformity and arrangement of these structures suggest that they are not natural rock formations, but evidence of a past civilization.

Discoveries in the Ruins of Sodom

In Sodom, several rusted bronze spearheads were found, and even a skeleton that, surprisingly, had turned completely to ash. At the ends of each bone, the marrow was still visible, which is unusual in such ancient remains.

Using molecular frequency radar, Ron Wyatt detected the presence of gold salts, which are believed to be the byproduct of vaporized gold. Samples of this material were analyzed and confirmed to consist of pure ash. This finding recalls what is mentioned in 2 Peter 2:6, where the destruction of Sodom is discussed.
From an aerial view, it can be seen that the ruins of the cities have a “square” layout, suggesting clear human planning. Additionally, remnants of ziggurats and structures that have been turned to ash can be seen, in contrast to the natural brown rock typical of the region.

An obvious question is: why hasn’t the ash of these cities, if they were destroyed about 3,900 years ago, eroded completely? Research indicates that objects burned with sulfur leave an ash residue that is denser and more durable than the original material. Within this ash, pure sulfur balls have been found, a type of sulfide that is notably rare.

Unlike sulfur that is generally found in crystalline form, these sulfur balls are unique in the world. They have a white appearance and a consistency of compacted powder, with a purity of 95 to 98% sulfur, in contrast to regular sulfur, which is usually only 30 to 40% pure. The metallic impurities in these balls contribute to greater heat emission during their combustion, reaching temperatures between 5,000 and 6,000 degrees Fahrenheit. When these samples were analyzed at the Galbraith Laboratories in Knoxville, Tennessee, it was noted that a BTU (British Thermal Unit) test could not be conducted because the heat would damage the stainless steel test compartment.

This type of sulfur is generally only found in volcanic sites, mineral veins, or sedimentary formations associated with anhydrite, gypsum, limestone, and salt domes. The presence of combustion rings around the sulfur balls indicates that they burned at some point, which supports the biblical text of a great destruction that occurred in the past, leaving these traces as evidence.

A Unique Example: Sodom and Gomorrah Turned to Ashes

These cities are indeed unique compared to others that have been destroyed by fire or volcanic activity. In places like Pompeii, for example, a layer of ash covers the site, but beneath this layer, the original material remains, protected by the volcanic layer. In Sodom and Gomorrah, however, an unusual phenomenon is observed: entire cities reduced completely to ash, exactly as the Bible describes. The Bible, in 2 Peter 2:6, tells us: “If by turning the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah to ashes, He condemned them to destruction, making them an example of what is going to happen to the ungodly.”

The condition of these cities, turned into compacted ashes with sulfur ball remnants, is a unique piece of evidence that supports the account of the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah by heavenly fire. These pure sulfur balls, unique in the world, suggest such an intense heat that even the walls of the buildings seem to have melted. This type of mass destruction by fire serves as a warning of what God has determined to do in the future, a similar destruction, but on a global scale, by “hail mixed with fire” or, as some suggest, meteorites falling on the earth in an act of divine judgment.

The Bible warns that, at the end of times, God will judge humanity once again, fulfilling His word. The way to prepare for this catastrophe is clearly outlined in Scripture: obeying God’s commandments and living in communion with Him. God will fulfill what He has promised, and the call is to be alert and prepared.

If you want to learn more about this destruction, don’t miss our Bible study titled: The Great Tribulation.

One of the greatest challenges many believers face is the belief that they will not be present on earth when these events happen. However, God’s word urges us not to be negligent and to remain in constant prayer. Jesus warned His disciples that they must be vigilant so that that day does not catch them by surprise, but that they may be found worthy to escape the future judgments. In Luke 21:34-36, Jesus said:

“Be careful, or your hearts will be weighed down with carousing, drunkenness, and the anxieties of life, and that day will close on you suddenly like a trap. For it will come on all those who live on the face of the whole earth. Be always on the watch, and pray that you may be able to escape all that is about to happen, and that you may be able to stand before the Son of Man.”

These words of Jesus are a warning and a guide to maintain a life of vigilance and prayer, aware of the importance of living according to His commandments and being prepared for the moment when He fulfills His promises. God will not destroy the earth with water; now it will be by fire, as the apostle Peter declares in 2 Peter 3:9-14:

“The Lord is not slow in keeping His promise, as some understand slowness. Instead, He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance. But the day of the Lord will come like a thief. The heavens will disappear with a roar; the elements will be destroyed by fire, and the earth and everything done in it will be laid bare. Since everything will be destroyed in this way, what kind of people ought you to be? You ought to live holy and godly lives as you look forward to the day of God and speed its coming. That day will bring about the destruction of the heavens by fire, and the elements will melt in the heat. But in keeping with His promise, we are looking forward to a new heaven and a new earth, where righteousness dwells. So then, dear friends, since you are looking forward to this, make every effort to be found spotless, blameless, and at peace with Him.”


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The Great Tribulation

Talk of “the great tribulation” is a cause of great concern to many Christians.…

Gospel’s ministers reprobates?

The Bible says that God's judgments will begin at your house, even if you…

The antichrist and the false prophet

The Antichrist and the false prophet embody ultimate rebellion against God. They deceive nations,…

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