Are the Christian’s tribulations a hardship or a requirement?

Las tribulaciones de un cristiano

When we read the bible we discover that in both the old and new testaments the true servants of God have suffered countless needs and sufferings, on the contrary, the modern Christian believes that God wants us to enjoy superfluous things just as the world does.


Will a third temple be built in Jerusalem?

El Tercer Templo de Jerusalen

Many Christians and Jews believe that God will allow a new temple to be built in Jesusalem where animals will again be sacrificed as they were in the time of the Law of Moses.


Only the righteous shall inherit the earth

El Paraiso de Dios en la tierra

God has promised his people that they will inherit all things, but he specifically mentions that only the righteous will inherit the earth, so what will become of those who do not know about Jesus?


The Great Tribulation

La Gran Tribulacion que pasaremos

Talk of “the great tribulation” is a cause of great concern to many Christians. It is known that this will be such a terrible period of time which has “never happened” in the history of mankind and will never be experienced again in the future.



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