Christmas a religious mystery

Celebracion de la navidad

Many Christian customs have been adopted from the Catholic religion which obtained them from Roman paganism, one of them is the celebration of Christmas which has been one of the main celebrations for most of the evangelical congregations around the world.


Are the Christian’s tribulations a hardship or a requirement?

Las tribulaciones de un cristiano

When we read the bible we discover that in both the old and new testaments the true servants of God have suffered countless needs and sufferings, on the contrary, the modern Christian believes that God wants us to enjoy superfluous things just as the world does.


Sin is the great barrier to break down

DALLE 2024 11 14 151701 Una imagen realista y a color que representa la escena del pecado en el Jardín del Edén La ilustración muestra a una serpiente de escamas brillantes

Sin is the great barrier that we must break down in order to see God, the scripture says that whoever sins willfully, there remains no more sacrifice for his sins, but a fearful expectation of judgment (Acts 10:26).



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