Hell and God’s paradise

Paraiso Infierno

Most Christians have an image of hell very similar to the one that the Catholic religion has taught for centuries, this vision has been influenced by a literary work of the Middle Ages that has no biblical support.


Resurrection of the dead

La Resurreccion de los muertos 2

The Resurrection of the dead is a little known topic among the evangelical Christian people; however, Paul spoke a lot about it. We will see in this study some topics about the resurrection of the dead that have gone unnoticed for a long time.


Sin is the great barrier to break down

DALLE 2024 11 14 151701 Una imagen realista y a color que representa la escena del pecado en el Jardín del Edén La ilustración muestra a una serpiente de escamas brillantes

Sin is the great barrier that we must break down in order to see God, the scripture says that whoever sins willfully, there remains no more sacrifice for his sins, but a fearful expectation of judgment (Acts 10:26).


Only the righteous shall inherit the earth

El Paraiso de Dios en la tierra

God has promised his people that they will inherit all things, but he specifically mentions that only the righteous will inherit the earth, so what will become of those who do not know about Jesus?



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