Resurrection of the dead
Resurrection of the dead
R. Monroy
The Rapture of the Church
The Rapture of the Church
R. Monroy
Dispensationalism and Its Legacy in Modern Christianity
Spiritual Growth
Dispensationalism and Its Legacy in Modern Christianity
R. Monroy
God will reveal mysteries at the end of time
God will reveal mysteries at the end of time
R. Monroy
Will a third temple be built in Jerusalem?
Will a third temple be built in Jerusalem?
R. Monroy
Hell and God’s paradise
Hell and God’s paradise
R. Monroy
Man’s soul, spirit and body
Man’s soul, spirit and body
R. Monroy
Born Again
Born Again
R. Monroy
Ecumenism / Dangerous Alliances
Spiritual Growth
Ecumenism / Dangerous Alliances
R. Monroy
Is Sunday really the Lord’s Day?
Is Sunday really the Lord’s Day?
R. Monroy
Will all Christians be Kings and Priests?
Will all Christians be Kings and Priests?
R. Monroy
The last great harvest of souls
The last great harvest of souls
R. Monroy
The Great Tribulation
The Great Tribulation
R. Monroy
The abomination of desolation
The abomination of desolation
R. Monroy
The antichrist and the false prophet
The antichrist and the false prophet
R. Monroy
Resurrection of the dead
The Rapture of the Church
Dispensationalism and Its Legacy in Modern Christianity
God will reveal mysteries at the end of time
Will a third temple be built in Jerusalem?
Hell and God’s paradise
Man’s soul, spirit and body
Born Again
Ecumenism / Dangerous Alliances
Is Sunday really the Lord’s Day?
Will all Christians be Kings and Priests?
The last great harvest of souls
The Great Tribulation
The abomination of desolation
The antichrist and the false prophet
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With love in Christ,
The True Doctrines Team

We invite you to read and comment on our Bible studies.

God’s New Covenant

God’s New Covenant

The scriptures say that God has made a new covenant with men, this covenant is different and better than the first one since it offers us the opportunity to live forever.


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Sin is the great barrier to break down

Sin is the great barrier to break down

Sin is the great barrier that we must break down in order to see God, the scripture says that whoever sins willfully, there remains no more sacrifice for his sins, but a fearful expectation of judgment (Acts 10:26).


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Jehovah’s Day of Vengeance

Jehovah’s Day of Vengeance

The Old Testament predicts that the final days will be filled with devastation and chaos around the world, this event known as Jehovah’s Day of Vengeance is the same event described in the New Testament as the return of Jesus Christ to earth.


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Is Sunday really the Lord’s Day?

Is Sunday really the Lord’s Day?

Is Sunday truly the Lord’s Day? Explore the biblical and historical basis of this tradition and its significance in Christian worship and doctrine.


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Only the righteous shall inherit the earth

Only the righteous shall inherit the earth

God has promised his people that they will inherit all things, but he specifically mentions that only the righteous will inherit the earth, so what will become of those who do not know about Jesus?


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The commandments of Jesus are the new law

The commandments of Jesus are the new law

Many Christians believe that we have no law to submit to, but the word of God says that the new law was given by the Son of God in person.


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The Lord’s Supper (The Holy Supper)

The Lord’s Supper (The Holy Supper)

The Lord’s Supper celebrated by the Christian people has long been misunderstood since what Jesus celebrated was the Passover. This is the only celebration that Jesus instituted and commanded us to keep.


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The Great Tribulation

The Great Tribulation

Talk of “the great tribulation” is a cause of great concern to many Christians. It is known that this will be such a terrible period of time which has “never happened” in the history of mankind and will never be experienced again in the future.


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  • Biblical Studies on Prophecies , Doctrines , Spiritual Growth

    Read our studies on topics related to the return of Jesus and other basic teachings.


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